Archive 2018

Tungsten carbide reinforced coulter A139646886
Our “New” Tungsten Carbide protected Mulch Seeding coulter adds extra efficiency and cost savings to your Monopill Precision seed drill.

The Combination that Gives More Strength to Your Crop
The innovative ISOBUS combination ensures that seeds are sown at the right place and applies the correct amount of liquid fertiliser at the same time. F...

Perfect seed placement with the Optima V and the HD-II sowing unit
The new HD-II sowing unit of the Optima V offers excellence and precision for mulch and conventional sowing.

Profitable ploughing
Control low inputs: Low wearing of parts
Kverneland 7740- Професионалният избор
Фолиращите машини Kvarneland предлагат бързо и точно фолиране на Вашите фуражни култури. Инвестицията във фолиращите машини e Вашата гарация за ефекти...

It’s all about Performance with the 97150 C Pro Line
The Kverneland 97150 C is an exceptionally productive four-rotor rake providing an immense working capacity of 15m.